To survive in this often harsh world, most of us have learnt to be good at self criticism. We magnify our failures and inadequacies. We say things to ourselves that we would not say to a stranger, not even a friend. In the long term, this can be very catastrophic. A lack of self compassion can be detrimental to your mental health. Self-judgment may lead to conditions such as anxiety, insecurity, or depression.
So what is self compassion, you may ask
Self compassion is treating ourselves with the same level of care, gentleness and concern we have for others. It is a way of relating to ourselves kindly, embracing yourself as you are, with flaws and all. It is accepting that to be human is to be imperfect.
Self compassion is a form of self care. It can be as easy as adopting a kind perspective about things that have gone wrong recently, or allowing yourself to rest and unwind.
You see, our body is in need of warmth, gentle speech and soft vocalisations. When the body is at rest, we release oxytocin – the feel good hormone. Oxytocin has the power to regulate our emotional responses and social behaviors, including trust, empathy, positive memories and positive communication.
How do you increase self compassion then?
We tend to accept the flaws of others more than we accept our own flaws. However, by cutting yourself some slack and being aware of one’s own imperfection – like we are aware of that of others, we can achieve greater self compassion.
Journaling can be helpful in increasing gives you the opportunity to declutter. It helps you prioritise your problems, fears, and concerns, while granting you an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors. It can also help manage anxiety and reduce stress in the long term.
Guided mindfulness has also proved to be beneficial. By being aware of what’s going on in the present moment without any judgment and ridicule, you allow yourself the chance to breathe and give yourself credit for your journey. The goal isn’t to stop thinking, or to empty the mind. Rather, it is to pay close attention to your physical sensations, thought processes and emotions in order to see them more clearly.
You can also read this article or watch this video to learn how to rewire your brain to self compassion.
So, my friend, how are you extending some self compassion to yourself today and these coming days ? Share with me by replying to this.
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