Belief systems are the bases of your worldview. Beliefs are shaped by your life experiences, inferences and by accepting what others tell us to be true. These belief systems are formed during childhood, and go on to shape how you view the world and events in your life.
So how do we form our Belief Systems?
When we are born, we enter this world with a clean slate and without preconceived beliefs. We are impressionable and look for meaning in almost everything because we are naturally inquisitive. Our parents and school environment play a big part in molding our beliefs from a very young age.
Because we are unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood as children, we often accept what we are told as truth.
Negative belief systems will shape our lives negatively
Let’s look at Mary. Mary, as a child, grows up in an abusive home. She knows this is bad; that it’s an unhealthy way to live. Yet, it happens all too often that, as an adult, they might go from one “bad” relationship to another. Why? Well, her belief system says this is how most relationships are. Without being conscious of this and challenging her belief systems, Mary will most likely shape her relationships with people until their preconceived beliefs become the reality.
Not that Mary consciously seeks out a partner to fit her beliefs, rather, she is more likely to sabotage the “good” relationships she finds herself in until finding the one that fits the narrative. This is referred to as Cognitive bias – an error in thinking that leads us to misinterpret information.
It is possible to change our belief system from negative to positive.
Here are some ways to help improve your belief systems:
- Journaling
Journalling can help control your symptoms and improve your mood by: Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. Tracking day-to-day activities in order to recognise emotions and learn ways to better control them.
- Affirmations
Words of affirmations are a good way to challenge preconceived belief systems. They are known to help us shift negative thinking patterns and can help us overcome behaviors we would like to change. They are also proven to lower stress levels, decrease anxiety – helping us feel more in control of our well-being
- Yoga
Yoga focuses not only on physical alignment but also on the inner state of a person. It helps to clear the mind and change beliefs through acceptance and self-discovery.
- Therapy
Speaking with a mental health professional can be really helpful in challenging thought processes and addressing your issues. Check out this article on places to seek Mental Health Services in Nigeria
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